
Unlock your potential with straightforward,

results-driven coaching.

Personal training York - training

Do you know what’s interesting about most people’s gym journeys? They often start because they’re unhappy with how they look in the mirror. But what’s even more interesting is how their motivation to stick with the gym changes over time.

Before you know it, you actually start to enjoy training. Shock! Horror!

The tried-and-tested saying that “it’s about the journey, not the destination” definitely applies to training. 

Enjoying the process is ultimately the key to success because, let’s face it, weight training and building muscle can be fucking hard.

It requires dedication, motivation, time, effort, research and sacrifice – all in the name of making permanent lifestyle changes.

But success is absolutely possible, as long as you focus on metrics that actually matter – and one of the least important to get wrapped up in is the number on the scales.

Scale weight can change on a whim, affected by a wide range of factors, from the time of day and stress levels to what you’ve eaten and how much water you’ve had.

It’s not always an accurate measure of success or effort and it can be fucking demoralising to see that number fluctuate randomly.

Instead, focus on how much stronger you’re becoming. Pay attention to how toned your physique is, how much better your clothes fit and celebrate when you finally nail that form you’ve been working on for weeks.

There are countless ways to track your progress and it shouldn’t all come down to your weight.

Relying on the scales as your main source of motivation and reward will quickly drain the joy from training and may even lead you to give up if you feel you’re not seeing the results you want fast enough.

So, stop letting your morning weigh-in ruin your day. Start viewing your fitness journey as a fun challenge that will help you grow and improve in all areas of your life, not just physically.

Want to learn more? Get in touch today to discuss personal training in York or online coaching if that’s more your style.

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